Wannabe Angels
Wannabe Angels
Mastering Startup Growth and Sales: Insights from Expert Dojo's Brandon Gerson [Ep 28]

Mastering Startup Growth and Sales: Insights from Expert Dojo's Brandon Gerson [Ep 28]

In this episode, Harry speaks with Brandon Gerson.  Brandon Gerson is an entrepreneur, sales person, venture partner, and angel investor. Throughout his career, he has co-founded 3 companies, 2 were small exits, 1 was a small failure, and he is now working to ensure one - or more - of his portfolio companies delivers a big exit. At present he oversees deal flow and pipeline management at Expert Dojo, one of the world's most active startup accelerators. In between professional endeavors he is a blessed family man who is working with his wife on raising 2 little girls to become future leaders in the free world. 

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0:00 - Intro

2:19 - How did Brandon get into angel investing?

5:51 - Brandon’s angel investing journey.

8:33 - How important are sales in product and business development?

11:19 - Great sales tip for founders

13:32 - Brandon’s role at Expert Dojo

16:18 - Why did Brandon join Expert Dojo?

17:50 - What does Expert Dojo look for?

19:57 - Application process for Expert Dojo

22:15 - What is the key to standing out at Expert Dojo

26:29 - What categories is Brandon most interested in?

30:23 - How to learn more about Expert Dojo

Links to Additional Info:

Brandon Gerson

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/makandgersociallistening/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/Ger_TheFeroshis

Website - https://expertdojo.com/

Founders: Apply to Expert Dojo - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_IFVWWrKH2xpRjjTJjGO1dPw1Tg6XGptiWS7W5dvBKQ8elg/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.981590076=Harry+Campbell

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About Colin: Colin Gardiner has spent over a decade building startups focusing on online marketplaces. Most recently, he worked for Outdoorsy as Chief Revenue Officer. He advises marketplace/platform startups on growth, analytics, monetization, fundraising, and strategy. He also runs the rapidly growing syndicate Yonder Ventures, which invests in marketplaces and platforms and the SaaS, Fintech, Insurtech, and the technology enabling them.

Colin LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/colingardiner/

Colin Twitter - https://twitter.com/ColinGardiner

About Harry: Harry Campbell runs The Rideshare Guy, a popular community for drivers and gig workers. He’s an active angel investor having invested over $500k of personal funds in 30+ companies and funds over the past few years, still trying to figure it all out though! Harry also has a $500k mini-fund that invests in early stage mobility, logistics, marketplaces and his network.

Interested in learning about some of the companies Harry is angel investing in and read his deal memos, for FREE - just fill out this form - https://forms.gle/eYwtDE7p9K2bepnF8\

Harry LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/harrygcampbell/

Harry Twitter - https://twitter.com/TheRideshareGuy

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